Sunday, September 11, 2016

Hunting Season: Mini Quest Preview

I am fortunate to have such great neighbors,  One of our great neighbors Alexey, has given me the mini-quest steps from last year. It is likely to be the same steps.  As I can tell you the Halloween, Christmas, Thanksgiving and Easter were ALL repeats.

I am doing this early become I do notice that we have SEVERAL long growing ingredients that you may want to grow or track down now. 

Easy Just grow some stuff. Unlock something. 

More Growing and Unlocking. This is easy too. 

Here we go cooking! You will nee 20 Vanilla, and 20 Cardamom for the first dish, 20 celeriac and 20 barley for the 2nd dish and 20 yak milk and 20 sugar for the 3rd dish. 

Now if you have seen the spreadsheet you know that Yak milk and sugar are THREE days. Vanilla and Celeriac are TWO days.  I think someone was in a mood when they made this step. 


Unlocking and some MORE cooking. Of course this is a cooking game. First dish needs just horse radish as it takes two seasonals. Second dish takes Leeks and Goose Eggs. Goose eggs are your killers here. They are a 1 day item. BUT if you plant them they have 14 harvests. Which means unless you use speedups or delete the birdies, they take up space for 14 days. 


This one is quick unlock, unlock and cook. You need flour and gooseberries. Which you should have plenty of as this is a quest dish.  


This one wouldn't be harsh if it wasn't for that ONE Ingredient. Asparagus. Its pretty much the same as above, unlock, unlock, cook!  Your one regular is asparagus which is 3 days. As this is a quest dish you should hopefully  have some in stock.  I think any dish that takes asparagus though deserves more than 50 speedups. 


Finally! Give me my money! Throw down some more Mouflon. And then cook two dishes, You need goats cheese and green beans (Goats cheese is one day but these are quest ingredients again you SHOULD have some. ) and then for the other dish you need Jalapenos and Garlic. Jalapenos is 2 days and Garlic is 3. 

I know I said I would post this tomorrow, but I am gonna post it today so in case I get busy with the kiddos, I don't forget. If you are in groups please feel free to share it. Facebook limits how many times a day I can share posts.  They get irritable. I like my Facebook account so I would rather not irritate them unless its worth it.  

I will share this to the Facebook page. If you look down below you should see a itty bitty share bar. 
Looks like this. See that Facebook icon? That is how you share. 
It does bring up a choice to share on a page you manage, your timeline or if you click the drop down box you can share to groups.  Otherwise I will post it tomorrow to the groups.  

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